Finish What You Started: An Accountability and Support Writing Workshop
(via Zoom)
This ongoing weekly workshop is geared toward getting you writing and finishing (eventually) your writing project. In the workshop, I encourage and guide you as you set weekly goals and then hold space for each writer to share a selection of their work and create goals for the following week. It's a way for writers of any level to stay focused, and on-task while being supported and excited about working on and ultimately finishing their writing projects. Bit by bit (or "Bird by Bird" as Anne Lamott famously wrote) you can move your writing along - but you must write. Writing can be tough and lonesome ... l know ... but community makes it a little easier and a lot more fun.
Open to all writing projects and writers of all levels - just bring your enthusiasm and your ideas.
Classes are via Zoom and ongoing. Contact me for more information.
Playwriting 101: How to Begin
How do you begin writing when you don't even know where to start? Many writers begin their play and then find themselves losing steam after only a few pages. Often, it's because they aren't quite clear about what or who they are writing about. So, then the million-dollar question is: "What is your play about?"
This workshop will help you discover the themes and the focus of your story in a safe and fun environment. Odds are your idea is in there - somewhere - and this workshop will guide you to discover the words and ways to express it. Through lectures and in-class writing exercises, I will guide you through the scary stuff back to your idea - showing you how to make clean, clear, and workable choices. The first half of this workshop is dedicated to discussing the building blocks of any good play (be it 10-minute, one act or full length, or musical): character, conflict, dialogue, subtext, story, and endings.
The workshop is designed to give you an introduction to the tools and the support you need to take the first step in writing your play. You will leave the workshop armed with the information, focus, and confidence you need to continue writing. I create a supportive, trusting, and open environment for writers of all levels. And odds are we will have a blast.
Open to beginning playwrights
Classes are via Zoom
Contact me for more information
"Patricia Cotter makes me feel professional, even on the days when I'm not." -David W.
“When I started attending this group, I had a series idea with a few pages written. By the end of two months, I've completed my first draft! I've found this group to be essential with keeping my writing goals on track. Patricia is particularly skilled at giving constructive criticism. I always feel inspired after each session to write more. I can't wait for month three to complete a second draft!” - Sabrina
Patricia's workshops are always so helpful. If I'm not generating new work in them, the dedicated time and encouragement often give me just the right push to take projects to the next best development. The work of writing can get lonely. Patricia's workshops help shed some light, and she always gives you good ideas to get things into a healthy and fun space to grow. -Hilary
Patricia's workshops are filled with writers who keep me laughing and inspired. And laughing. Did I mention the laughter? -Mike T
“If you’re stuck on a writing project in any genre, run (don’t walk) to sign up for “Finish What You Started”! Patricia is warm, sunny, and encouraging - and there’s something about being accountable to a group that is extremely motivating. I started working on a poetry collection and, although others were working on plays, memoirs, and creative nonfiction, there was something magical about the way we all worked together.” -Angie
“Patricia's workshops give me the comradery I need to undertake my projects and the deadlines to finish them. No matter what genre I am working in, her insights about deepening characters and heightening dramatic effect—along with her entertaining examples! —help me improve my work.” -Alice T.
"Rather than finishing what I started, I joined Patricia’s workshop to start something I one day hope to finish. Patricia’s expertise and insightful feedback, along with our group camaraderie has helped me write my way well past the start-line now…" -Jane